All over South Africa we come across ruins of ancient fortresses and temples. All over South Africa we come across systems of standing stones, ancient sun temples, exactly like those we find in North America, in Europe and in India.

South Africa was never isolated from the rest of the world. She was visited many times by people of different nations.

WaterfallDriekops markings

In South Africa there is a place called Driekopseiland, a place where healing as well as education took place.

Driekops markings

Driekops markings

At Driekopseiland there are rock engravings in which ancient writing is to be seen.

Driekops markings

Driekops markings

Driekops markings

On one of these rock engravings, a scientist Dr Barry Fell, an epigraphist, deciphered the following inscriptions: very tragic, very dramatic and very African: “We are under attack. We have moved from here to a safer place.” Who were they who left this message? And for whom?

I feel that people of knowledge should investigate what we have here in South Africa.

In remote times Sumerian traders left traces of their language in the vocabulary of our people. Then after them came Yemeni Arabs and many other people more. And lastly there came the Portuguese, whose history and whose actions in Africa, good and bad, are well documented.

We did have visitors from faraway who lived amongst us. People from Sina and they still exist in the form of the Black Jews in South Africa whom you find in Venda, who are known as Bashaba, which means the tribe of merchants. It is these people who were once very widespread, after whom the Sabi river, or the Shaba river was named.

If you go to central Africa, to there in the lake called Lake Victoria, you shall find a small island called LULUI.

On the surface of LULUI were ancient standing stones, some of which are engraved with human faces. Phallic stones with human faces chiselled into them. For thousands of years Lului was a place where ancient men and women of great wisdom, used to heal people of terrible diseases.

There is a mystery about the Okavango River which appears out of the mountains in Angola and disappears purposelessly into the sand. I think that river was once connected to the Limpopo and that it was one continuous river.

Zecharia Sitchen made many discoveries which he was not aware that he had made. He confirmed that there was a connection between Sumerians and some Sumerian words are very identical to African. The names of the ancient gods and goddesses are the same as in Southern Africa.

stone face

South Africa has seen many races of human beings come and go.

stone face

Libya was a forerunning civilization to Egypt. There were Libyan people here in South Africa. They left their name in corrupted form amongst us in Natal.

Here in South Africa we have got a tribe of people called Makubela. These people have got reddish hair and sometimes blue eyes or very pale brown eyes. The word Makubela really means Gabil, which is a people in North Africa.

All over South Africa are inscriptions done in what is called the Kufic script, the type of script that was used in ancient times in North Africa, in Libya.

There were giants in this land as I have said several times before.


Another thing of very great interest and for which there is irrefutable archaeological proof is this: There were once giants here in South Africa.

giant stone face

giant stone face

There were once 30 foot high human beings living and breathing and breeding in this country and these human beings co-existed with dinosaurs.

According to the Zulu language, the four cardinal points are as follows, MPUMALANGA – which means the East, the rising of the sun – NTSHONALANGA – which means the west – the setting of the sun NYAKATU – The North – The place of great movement – the place from which we came. NINGIZIMU is our name for the South, which is very interesting indeed. The word Ningizimu means the region of many man-eating ogres, the region where you find man-eating giants.

This is not a myth. This is not simply a tribal fairy-tale. There is overwhelming proof that gigantic human beings once lived in South Africa.

We do not know exactly what these giants looked like, but archaeological evidence of their existence has been unearthed. All we do know is that these giants were capable of building mountains.

According to our folklore, many of the mountains we see were created by these giants. We are told that many great rocks, such as the Matopos mountains, were created by those giants.

They could as well have sculpted shapes in Southern Africa, we do not know. But they did exist – there is proof of their existence.

In caves in Lesotho were found huge stone axe heads, axe heads of such size that no ordinary human being could have lifted it.

In a part of the Transvaal called Lothair near the Swaziland border, there is a rocky hill, or a koppie, as it is called is South Africa. On this hill there is a gigantic human footprint, a footprint six feet long and two-and-a-half feet wide. This footprint is eternally fossilized in granite and the local people today call it the footprint of Jesus Christ.

Bones were found in caves in Lesotho. At one time I was travelling with Mr Adrian Boshier when in a cleft in a rock Mr Boshier brought out a very long bone which I thought was a bone of an animal but Mr Boshier said: ‘No. This is a bone of a human being, a human thigh bone.’ I don’t know what happened to that bone but that thigh bone was twice as long as the thigh bone of an ordinary person. I’m sure if one looked into the records of universities more evidence of gigantic people will be found.

All over South Africa one comes across structures and shapes which can only have been shaped by human beings of gigantic size and such human beings did exist and there is overwhelming evidence to prove this.

There were also people called Izicwe. These people were not Bushmen, as present day Zulu scholars wrongly believe. The Izicwe are Pygmies.

These Izicwe were still in existence when the first white man came to South Africa. They were called die Strandlopers. They were a small people with very large skulls, showing deep intelligence. Their religion was a very mysterious one.

They claimed to have come from a star in the sky, originally, the star called Sirius. They claimed to have come from there. And what was interesting about Izicwe is that they were afraid to eat certain foods. They were afraid to eat maize and sorghum. They ate only molluscs. They ate only the little animals that you find in the sea.

They worshipped light and they possessed knowledge of the universe and of the solar system which was amazing.

During the days of king Shaka, and even before, the Izicwe acted as mercenaries for the Zulu kings. Shaka led a regiment of these small men and they were ferocious little fighters, deadly with spears and with the bow and the arrow and the name of the regiment was Uthuli we Zicwe, the dust of the pygmies.

If you go to central Africa, to there in the lake called Lake Victoria, you shall find a small island called LULUI.

On the surface of LULUI were ancient standing stones, some of which are engraved with human faces. Phallic stones with human faces chiselled into them. For thousands of years Lului was a place where ancient men and women of great wisdom, used to heal people of terrible diseases.

There were also Bushmen in South Africa or as they are called nowadays, the San people. These San people are well known and their culture is well-documented.

There were also the Khoi Khoi people, the so-called Hottentots, who believed themselves to be a super-race. The name Khoi Khoi, means human beings of human beings, in other words, super-people.

So as you can see South Africa has mothered many races of human beings since the remotest of remote times.


There is a range of mountains in South Africa, in the Cape, known as the Swartberg Mountains. On these mountains there once lived ancient people… people of the Celtic race.

If people hear a man like myself making this statement they will laugh contemptuously, but I would ask very humbly that they should start laughing at this photograph.

petromantic rock

This photograph shows irrefutable proof that there were once Celtic people living in South Africa. This photograph shows a huge three legged dolmen, sacred object, a sacrificial altar which was built to mark the grave of an important person.

Dolmens such as this are not only found in Ireland and in England and in other parts of Europe, they are also found in United States of America and now here is one right here in South Africa.

What is shown in the photograph is a huge man made artefact of incredible complexity and of the deepest interest.

petromanitc rock

The rock on which the man is standing must weigh at least two tons, if not more and it is lifted upon three legs.

The rock is of a kind which scientists in America known as petromantic; a rock which was shaped by nature to resemble a certain type of beast and which the ancient people lifted up on three legs of stone.

The thing represents a either hawk, or eagle, or even a mythical beast, like a lion with wings. It was this shape that attracted the ancient builders, who at great risk to life and limb erected it on three legs of stone.

Not even the most hardened sceptic can deny the fact that this thing is man made. Not even the most hardened sceptic can deny that this thing is thousands of years old, but it is not the only one mysterious thing we find in South Africa.

Our stories tell of people that were known as Izizwe the Foreigners, who had settlements all along the coast of South Africa, from Southwest Africa’s shores right round to where the Bushman River flows into the sea today.

These strange people left traditions amongst the black people. They left belief in mermaids, women with very long red or golden hair; women who were part human being and part fish. Such mermaids have been found in rock paintings in the Cape. Such mermaids are still believed in by Xhosa people of the Eastern Cape even today.

They are known as Umamlambo; the women of the rivers.

They are feared as partly good and partly evil entities. In fact it is believed by all Xhosa of Eastern Cape that the Transkeian Wild Coast is the home of the Umamlambo; the women of the sea.

You have here an interesting situation, where black people believe that the waters of the Eastern Cape coast are inhabited by white-skinned creatures, part woman and part fish, who have long red or yellow hair on their heads. Why would a dark-skinned African people believe such a thing?

Xhosa people even believe in ‘little people’ called again Izizwe; the foreigners. These little people are said to be about two inches or more high and they have got pink skins and red hair and they are armed with heavy clubs which they carry on their shoulders.

Now wait a minute… Is it or is it not true that one of the weapons which was used in Ireland was a Shilly, a heavy club like Hercules used to carry on his shoulder. Why would Africans believe in a creature that carries such a weapon on his shoulder?


white lady

This painting in Namibia does not represent a woman. This is a prince, son of the emperor Fire Beard of the Ma Iti people, a white race, who had an empire in southern Africa long before the arrival of the Portuguese colonists.

I think that the MA-ITI were Celtic people. Celts were known for their blonde hair. Celts were known for their red hair. They worshipped a terrible earth goddess to whom they sacrificed young men and they left us with many aspects of their culture.

Like us, the Celtic people had a form of writing which, when you see it on a rock, looks like as if somebody was drawing a comb on the surface of the rock.

This language is called Ogam and the word Ogam exists in African vocabulary – and it is IGAMA. If I say in Zulu a letter, like the letter a or the letter b, I say Igama u – A or Igama u – B. The word Igama also means a name. OGAM and IGAMA, this is a word from one origin.

I have found Ogam script nearly everywhere, not only on the coast, but also deep inland in South Africa, in places where diamonds were once mined in ancient times. In places where gold was mined in remote eras I have found this script, which scientists today say is meaningless but every Sanusi and Sangoma can read the letters of that script. That is what we are trained for.

We share many things in common with Celtic people. The one thing that we share is a goddess DANU. All over South Africa, all over Natal, you will find hundreds of women carry the name DANU or BANU.

My late wife’s Zulu name was BANU. It is a name which means true woman. The word for woman in ancient Celtic is BHN and it was also BYANU.

Now Africans worship Danu exactly as ancient Celtic people used to worship her. They believe that she is a goddess with three faces; a young woman, a middle aged woman and an old woman.

We Zulu people worship Danu as three goddesses: Nomkulbulwana, Namdende and Nomgoyi.

Nomkulbulwana – a young woman who rules spring and also who rules the morning of every day.

Namdende – is the middle-aged woman who rules summer and who rules the middle of every day.

Nomgoyi – is the ugly old goddess who rules the evening and who rules the underworld. According to legend, Nomkulbulwana has to leave the earth occasionally and go down into the underworld where she is tortured and beaten and otherwise ill-treated by her own third aspect, Nomgoyi.

This worship of a triple goddess is all over Africa.

Like the ancient Celtic people, we Africans, believe in’ little people’; little nature spirits which are to be found in places such as this one.

We believe, like the ancient Irish, that when we leave a certain place we must make a ceremony, whose purpose is to say goodbye to the little spirits that dwell in this greenery.

Like the Irish who were not allowed to eat the flesh of an animal after which they were named, we Africans are not allowed to eat the meat of an animal after which we were named.

A story is told in Celtic mythology, a story which has got many versions in African mythology. The story is that of the Irish hero Cuhulin, whose name means the Dog of Ulster or the champion warrior of Ulster, who was tricked into eating the flesh of a dog and who therefore got weak and who was killed in battle afterwards.

It was the custom of Zulu warriors to give names to their weapons. Every Zulu warrior had a name, a colourful name, for every one of his battle weapons his spear, his axe or his knife, each one had a name. And so did the Celts, give names to their weapons. I can go on and on.

One of the things that the Irish people of long ago used to do. When a group of women saw something particularly shameful being done by a young man, for example if a young man assaulting an older man and injuring him, a group of Irish women would turn around and lift up their skirts, baring their buttocks at the offender.

They did that to Cuhulin when he was totally berserk, killing innocent people, after a particularly bloody battle. A group of old women ran to towards Cuhulin, turned around, lifted their skirts and bared their buttocks at him. That custom is still carried out by women of certain South African tribes such as the Basuto people of Lesotho. If a Masuto woman sees a man doing something utterly shameful she will shout and then turn around, lift her skits and bare her buttocks at the offender.

We people of South Africa have more in common with the Celtic people than many people realize. But we also have much in common with the Hindu, the ancient Egyptian people and European people. There are Greek and Latin words in African vocabularies. There are ancient Egyptian words in the tongues of many tribes in South Africa.

That is why I say that Africa is the great buckle that connects the great chain of human religion and culture and make it one.


There were even we are told, creatures of strange appearance which used to inhabit parts of South Africa. These were the Ogo. Gigantic creatures, in shape like gorillas, with very wide shoulders, apelike features and very powerful arms and legs, these people closely resembled in appearance the Yeti of Tibet and the Sasquatch Bigfoot of the United States of America. In fact they were the same kind of creature.

It is said even now that such creatures have been seen in many parts of South Africa especially in Zimbabwe.

And at one time here amongst the Magaliesberg Mountains a young white farmer and his friends were partying when they were disturbed by unearthly scream and howls coming from somewhere outside. They took their guns and went to investigate and they came across a huge furry creature. A creature with apelike features, a creature well over nine feet high, a creature which had been so strong that it had made deep scratches on the paintwork of several cars. This incident was reported in a local newspaper.

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